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Would it be possible to make a male mc?



(1 edit) (+1)

Is the cheat menu the only way to customize eye colour and hair colour ? Dont let  us do this at the start of the game ?  Or did I miss something ?

You unlock it properly through the course of the first mission with the institute. 

(1 edit) (+3)

There's not a ton of content yet, but somehow I've already dumped more time into this game than I care to admit. This has so much potential and I'm excited to see how it turns out. I've also never seen heart-shaped nipples before, but I'm totally into them now!

Some suggestions:

- When you're changing into gym clothes in the park, you appear to be doing it behind a bush. It would be great for this to have a chance for you to get caught. 

- In the first mission there are times when you are too drunk, then blackout and wake up in the maintenance room naked. Currently, you just go get your clothes from the shower room but it would be interesting if you had to walk around naked to find out where they are and retrieve them.

- A bug I noticed on the screens with interactable objects is that they only highlight when the mouse is not moving. She had her desire maxed out and hearts floating around and the hearts would also freeze every time the curse moved. This led to me having to hover over an object, stop moving the mouse, then wait a couple of seconds to see if the object would light up. If they could light up while the mouse is moving then it would be a much less annoying process.

- These rooms with clickable objects are also not very intuitive and it's easy to enter a room, see no icons to click on, then leave. It would help a lot to have some indication on the screen or part of the UI indicating that there are objects you can interact with.

- The screen thumbnails for navigation on the bottom left in the first mission all look very similar and swapping between the 1st and 2nd floors then taking a hallway was a little confusing and I'd often find myself swapping back and forth between floors on accident when I meant to take a hallway. Maybe add small number icons in a corner of the thumbnails to show what floor it's on?

- I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but if you do something like wear a skirt without panties and then close the wardrobe, there's a comment about how you shouldn't do that, then the wardrobe opens back up to fix it. However, if you do that, then swap to a different tab like from gym close to everyday clothes, any event that changes your clothes for you such as changing in the park will let you do so even if you'd end up wearing things you normally couldn't.

Great game
some ideas for clothing: Push-up bra, bikini top, bikini bottom, school 1 piece dress

I've been stuck at 'Go to the pub on Revel street and meet with Simon Banks to try and found out why he is investigating people who work for the institute. For some reason there's no quest line pick up when I'm at Revel Street. Any ideas why?


When you are at Revel street, there is a button hovering over the pub with a ?. Press it.

For some reason, I still don't see anything. Maybe I'll start a new save.

i having trouble downloading it onto my laptop it keeps saying couldnt download but its a fantastic game!!

Nothing I can do or say here without more information. Might be an itch issue, game issue or laptop issue. Try out the public links on my patreon or another website maybe. 

At school after lunch and just before meeting Svetlana for the first time; message window states you get dressed for PE -then MC meets Svetlana -1sts time- but MC is still wearing standard school uniform (with skirt, might have changed the colour).

Thanks for reporting, I'll look into it.


Will they become a futanari



Hope to have the function of adjusting the chest(Google Translate)

So problem, I try to install this update and it'll download it and then it won't install, it'll say app not installed, I tried several times but I am at a loss, I'm on Android btw and I love the game but wish I could update it and play it to it's fullest and for those lot that say "Install the android version idiot" well I have several times but it ain't working...would love to know how to update and install the newest version on my phone and yes there is space for the update too...I am just at a loss of what go do.

I just realized the solution to my problem, uninstall the older version and install the newer one it worked forvme but idk bout anyone els.


Sorry for late reply. It seems this is an issue that some people get with android and I haven't managed to narrow down the reason. But deleting the old version before updating works.

Playing former male MC; every day clothes purchased, colours modfied. When talking to Dr. Nikolas during first body alterations (the freebie), once concluded and exiting the body menu, MC is immediately fully clothed, then stripped down to underwear, only to be fully clothed again; I'm guessing the proper sequence ought be when exiting body change menu: naked, underwear, fully clothed?

Maybe some glitch on my end; or something you might be able to reproduce?

Thanks, I is something I can reproduce and I will fix for the next build.


Looking forward to more updates, really love the way you get the "broken" status depending on your choices in the first mission. I do wish you could customize the character a little more in terms of lowering her height or boob-size.


Glad you are enjoying it. Boob size is planned for some time in the future. Height, we will see. I need to investigate it.


Maybe option to increase the size of ass and boobs, and addin' new hairstyles could be nice option..

Deleted 1 year ago

good idea too... 

Is there that option? 


pls add the prostitution option in highway underpass and truckstop i love this game also mabey some more animated scenes like the flash one while running in the park for like sex scenes and the option to not clean up cum after sex

when is the next update coming out?

Im asking the same question


This is an amazing game! I play on browser, and even though sometimes things won't load, or the game reverses backwards to the last save point, I still play! I love the Customization, Clothes and storyline! Very Nice!! cant wait for more! 



Sometimes i get this broken event 2 and broken 3 what does it mean?


It's an unwritten event that is triggering and will be added in the next update.

A very promising start to a great game (in general), The story/lore is something that actually intrigues me, and I thank you for coming up with something unique for a background universe that isn't just the standard story models I see in the other H-Games on Itch. 

I was slightly disappointed that you could change more "Integral" parts of Sam (Although my MC's name is Ashe), like height and cup-size for example, However some quick answers I came up with to explain why this can't be done are as follows; The law of the conservation of matter, Genome Destabilization, or it's going to be an absolute nightmare to re-draw every single clothing option for every possible body type.

On the browser version, the images really do not like to load often, and scrolling up once makes the game unplayable for about a  minute straight while it recaps the dialogue,  but that's the extent of the issue I found on what you literally call an unstable build.

This game and the universe it is held in seem to have a lot of potential, and I'd love to see the concept expanded upon furthermore, for example you could have perhaps another game where the crew of the ISS have to evacuate the station (Because barely anyone on Earth bothered with NASA affairs during and after the Pandemic, and so they were absolutely bone-dry on resources), and the crew has to come to terms with them being the last Middle Aged humans post-pandemic, and having to figure their way around a world that completely forgot of their existence.   You can see what I mean by how far the concept can go, and that shows the brilliance of it.

To end this Mini-Review, Keep the bonfire going, soon enough salvation will find you.


Happy to hear you are enjoying the game.

With the body sizes, I will pretend it's the first option you said when in fact it is the second.

On the topic of the lore being expanded. Things have been written quite in depth and there are still some parts to be revealed. Although since Sammy is not the hero of this story, a lot of that stuff will be revealed in how it impacts the life of your average person. There will be a story happening in the background that will change daily life for everyone.

The Story of the ISS, Middle Ages and post pandemic reminded me of Dr. Stone. xD

how do you raise the slut flag again? I remember it was something like 50 sex scenes or something...


Have sex 40 times and selling yourself doesn't count.


Is there any new job instead of spy in Haven or as waitress in pub? Saw only 2 additional job as student and part time flyer..hope you guys can put some more job (in/decent) near future..thanks


That's it for now, although more jobs are planned as well as an expansion of the pub work.



I'm so happy to see a big update for the school evens. I have been really enjoying this game so far and am excited to see where it goes in the future. On a side note is there a possibility for more exhibitionism type events ? 

Either way love what youre doing, keep up the great work.


Glad you are enjoying. Yes, a fairly large exhibitionist chain of events is planned with one of your school friends. It will open up the ability to do it on your own afterwards.

(13 edits)

Confidence is a very unpredictable and chaotic variable. It jumps up and down without any reason. Just for example: for working in the bar Sammy sometimes get [plus], [minus] or [no change] Confidence points.

In Monday Sammy can walk in the house without underwear, but in Tuesday she can't it but in Wednesday she can it again. It's a very chaotic and jumping system.

How about to make a new variable "Perversion" (for Lewd actions), like in "Third Crisis", walking without underwear make more perversion and the character can more walk without underwear.

(2 edits)

PS Sammy can walk without underwear with really low Confidence until she goes into the Wardrobe. So there's no reason to press that Wardrobe button icidentally sometimes in order not to break current settings of the clothes.


I'll have a look into it. Once Sammy says it's ok to go without pants, you should always be able to go commando from that point onwards even if your confidence drops. Might be a bug preventing that.

Hey loves your game it's really cool concept for me. I have a question are you planning to add something foot fetish related  in your game like footjobs? 


There will probably be some foot related stuff eventually, but I do not know when. It's not something I have planned for the immediate future. 

Is the MC going to have roommates at some point?


Yes is planned for a future update.


how do you increase confident?

 is it tied to your fashion or is there a repetitive action to boost it like fitness?

I'm here with same question

Confidence is raised slowly by doing general activities like exercise, working at the bar, having sex and it raises naturally each day. No way to grind it currently. 

(3 edits)

Confidence really strange works. It turns up and down very randomly.
For working in the bar sometimes I get "Plus Confidence points"
and sometimes I get "Minus Confidence points".

(1 edit)

image 'wardrobe_top_0_idle' not found.

(During explanation of how wardrobe functions)

image 'pc_tfstart_checkout_mirror_bs_base_hotpink' not found.

(Whilst checking out your new body prior to 1st night at appartment; I changed colors of both undergarments and topwear before this.)

Thanks, will have fixed for the update.


I'm not sure if this was suppose to happen, but can walk you thru it to mimic it. I do it all the time. in I have noticed that if you're "pregnant" and your water breaks while in the apartment while naked for nightwear. the MC leaves the apartment and goes to the hospital to give birth while naked. From there you're able to move around outside the apartment while naked. 

1: get pregnant

2/3: go to apartment take all clothing off to be naked when you sleep.(if not using the cheat menu)

2/3:remove all clothing you're currently wearing while in the apartment(if using the cheat menu)

4: use the cheat option or idle by to pass days till water breaks

the MC is now naked and outside of the apartment after birth. no hospital garment or anything.


Hey Love the game, But i need some help. I cant seem to find the train station where we are supposed to find det campbell. Could someone help me?


maybe add a feature where you can change breast siz

nice idea


Dev seems dedicated to this and updates add good amounts of content. Can't wait for more!


Made an account just to ask this lol: Is there any way you can revert browser to the last stable version while you're working on getting it back? I really enjoyed this game when it was available, but I don't want to download. Thanks!


how to get Simon to phucc with me🗿


When you enter the pub, don't approach him and wait for him to come to you. Tell him the truth then play his game.

I need to find a lighter for the nice guard but I have no clue where to find it

in the beds


In the bedroom while there is no one inside. You can then click on and search the beds.


Amazing game! I only wish there were more content it feels like after haven the only place to get any scenes is at the bar and that ends pretty soon too. Overall as the game stands I give it a 10/10 for how kinky and amazing it is just wish there was more.

If you have discord, you can join his server and always be up to date with planned content and when updates are happening


Why there's so many locations without events and any interactive objects?
Maybe I just haven't found these events? Or maybe these lcations for future?


Yeah all those locations I have plans for in the future. 


damn, this looks nice, might have to give it a try,  wish there was some male stuff as I  prefer to play as a male, however, the amount of  customization might be enough to get me to look past that.

will you ever up in the option to change the 24 hour in game clock to a 12 hour clock

I don't see why not. Not sure when though.

can't choose my name on mobile

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