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(1 edit)

How to get to the highway? Also, is there a way to avoid trauma after pregnancy???

Found error:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Sayer havguardw is not a function or string.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "scripts/locations/haven/events/endings/sex_ending.rpyc", line 141, in script

  File "renpy/", line 898, in execute

Exception: Sayer havguardw is not a function or string.



Is there a guide for all the quests in this game

how to start streetwalking quest


Go outside.

is it a story quest


Meet with Mira at the highway, choose the gamine origin and go to the highway or start Cass/Mira's mission.

when i talk with mira/cass they allways say am i talking to both of them and cant find mira at highway am i missing something

finding mira at the highway is a very low probability event so will take a while. i think also only in a short time range in the evenings, so if you don't find her there in the 15/22ish range then you can just skip to the next day to try agai

How do I enter the Blue Room?


Speak to the motel receptionist and pay for one. If you mean the Pinkroom then you need to start the streetwalking quest


Thank you for sticking with the project <3


can you someday make a male version when you finish the female mc, to allow for a male route, either dom/sub(both optional is prefered)


unfortunately things like futa and male arcs will never be added to the game, since they require art, story, and a bunch of work sam simply doesn't have the time or desire to do. Best of luck finding a different game for it.

Is there a way you could keep your baby?

no, as your character isn't married, and other factors you learn while in school.

Deleted post

As long as ive been playing, yeah, it is possible to avoid sex with men, but it's kinda hard because you need money for rent and the ingame world is pretty much fucked up, but possible nontheless

I don't think I've seen any lesbian stuff in the game(well watching other women fuck might be lesbian, but would kind of be stretching for a tag), and the only trans thing is you can pick at the beginning having a background where you used to be a man. No futa stuff either. As the other guy mentioned you can pull a virgin run I guess, but it'd be hard.


The android version keeps crashing on me every few minutes??


Hello itch io ppl, I hope everyone can see this, disclaimer I'm not part of Sam's team or anything but I'd like to inform everyone that if you're looking for updates on the game she made her discord channel is active and she is still updating I am pretty sure. Feel free to join it's a pretty chill space.

I went there and the download versions there are the same as here...


Oh, I just Google search the latest version and update via the websites, more often I use dikgames or whatever that site is. But there are a few sites that have the game downloadable. Just be safe when searching, don't catch a virus my guy.


update please

Sam just published the latest version on Patreon back on May 1st, so we may get a new free update by the next couple of months

Sam said on Discord that she's aiming to release a new public version next month.


Question: is there any other option to support the SamTails developer besides Patreon? I’m just from Russia and this option is not available to us, although the project is very interesting and I really want to support the developer!


Проект интересной, но обновляется раз в два года. В крайнем случае можешь купить предоплаченную визу/мастеркард, либо воспользоваться соответствующими сервисами, сейчас их уже много.


Ну пишут, что на Патреоне обновы регулярны

Так врут же, басурмане, нет им веры. Ты зайди на патреон и посмотри, там последняя версия v0.3.2.34 (два дня назад добавлена), а тут v0.3.2.02. То есть только косметические микрообновления. Более-менее масштабный апдейт обещался лишь к 0.4 версии. Я сам хотел подписаться (есть карточка), но автор уж слишком медленно работает. Слежу за прогрессом в его дискорде, к НГ может что толковое и появится, но не раньше.


I really hope this isn't a dead project...  It's been almost a year at this point.


It's been consistently active over on Patreon


Ah just not here... gotcha

Its been too long


Sam doesn’t really touch Itch as much as they used to unless it’s to upload updated versions of the game. I really don’t even know the last time they actually made an appearance in the comments here. And people like me that have been around for a few years have learned that Sam tends to get lost in adding features and goes a bit insane doing it, adding more than originally intended quite often. They update their progress all the time on Patreon. 


Coming back again to say this is one of the most fun sandbox renpy games I've ever played.


Trouble installing through Itch app. When the installation options come up, there are no options for build. There are no problems downloading from Chrome.

I think the app is like that for every NSFW game (at least that I know of)


No, this issue is unique to this one.


Really good game has a lot of potential, definitely worth a try to anyone who hasn't played it yet.

which version do I need to download to have my clothes confiscated right after selecting exhibitionist? I kinda want to play as a nudist the whole way through.

i think the one before the current

i hope this game is still in the works , id be awfully pooped if it got dropped

You can just check the Patreon, there are still monthly updates over there.

where is the old lockers i cant find them also how do you start to date someone?

The old locker, I believe, is in the open field track area where you can meet up with the Football lads around 1 or 2 pm. Hang around the boys enough, and you'd be given a choice to join them in the shower. This is how (I think) you find the old lockers.

Desire level seems to be stuck at 250, can't raise it through cheat menu but the drug will work. Is there something I may have triggered that caused this or is it a bug? 

Desire depends on perks, if you have a lot of perks of a sexual nature, then the desire will be bigger and grow faster.


How the room with a bed works? Till now my character just stills there without doing anything and without options to do anything


I can't download the game via the Itch client on Windows. According to this probably means the downloads aren't correctly tagged with the right platform. It would be awesome if I could download and manage the game via the Itch desktop client!


When Sam release the new update

Check out patron even if cost a liyyle money you get alot more content 


Is there a wiki for this game?


Yo sam are you thinking of anyway to let us keep the baby's when ever the mc gets pregnant and gives birth are if not to keep maybe we can just visit them to that will be fine as well no rush are anything take your time the game is going well so good luck.👍👍👍🙂

(1 edit) (+2)

because of the lore, I think children will never be  implemented


Don't you update it yet?Update now

just go to sam's pateron

So my question is, when you chose the exhibition story, for some odd reason, you can't go anywhere naked because "I'm not properly dressed", is there a reason for this? All the other games that I play that have this tag, let me do this, so what is the problem?

In this game it is done a little differently, it does not mean that you can go out completely naked and walk like that. When you choose the exhibitionist perk, you can immediately dress more vulgarly and also not wear any underwear at all, later if you don't wear underwear long enough you get a new perk "comando" which doesn't allow you to wear underwear (if I remember correctly) .

(1 edit)

 you can't be naked going on the bus, if you're just in a location exploring you can be as naked as you want to be.

you actually can wear underwear now (you had all your underwear confiscated when you got that perk in previous versions), but its more of a "if you want to" if you're trying to seem sexy in certain outfits ig?

Is there a specific way to get pregnant, if so how? 

Also when begining the game it gives you the choice between mail and female start, but when I chose male, it puts me as female, is that a bug or is it not in the game?

Good work with the game, and I hope to see many more updates with the game.

You need to read the plot of the game more carefully. When you choose the past in which you were a man, you don't have any perk options, if you choose the past of a woman, you can choose the perk you like best, this will be your main perk, and during the game there will be others depending on how you play . Pregnancy in the game is random, but all kinds of factors affect it, such as a woman's cycle that changes, ejaculation inside or outside, magic pills that will help you not get pregnant. There are also no condoms in the game, so be careful and consume alcohol correctly)


One of the best games I found yet. The freedom and customization is awesome. I really hope you'll continue to add more content and more variety to it.


I made this account, just to say that this is one of the best games of its genre, that I have ever played, I hope you continue the development of this magnificent game.

the game is still updating go to pateron and pay for more update


May I ask, what version is the current version of this game?


this is the current public release, I think development is somewhere past .26 with a few leaked builds out in the wild 


On porngameshub it's


Next update please I know u probably have a life outside all this but pls update I'm dieing here.


They have been working on the game, this is just the public release version, patreon players normally have the newest builds

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Yeah that's understandable, but I also get the impatience since it's been just about 9 months since the last public release.

How regular are the updates on Patreon? I might genuinely join it. I'd say I'm usually really patient with game updates to avoid spending money, but I genuinely really love this game and waiting 9 months for an update is crazy even for me.

I normally don't check the patreon updates often, but from what I last saw (aka the dates since im not a patreon member) they update close to weekly, like giving updates about what they did that week, etc. I don't actually know the actual game updates, sadly.

Yeah I joined the Patreon last week haha

Definitely nice to have consistent updates.

i died...and YOU HAVE BIG BOY MONEY??? yoooooo you actually went through joining the patreon good for you mate


Please update the main mission and side quest


Have avoided asking this but it's been long enough I think: when's the next update planned to release?


i want to be able to make beach boy or shane my boyfriend

Hey, am I doing something wrong? Is the casino unavailable yet?

This is normal, the casino will open in the next versions


Please fix and complete girl dance art.

Hello, I'm from Brazil and I'm having difficulty playing, I saw that there are new levels and dialogues with a lot of people, such as the beach boys and the scrap man and I don't know what to do to advance in the story. can you help me?


Why does the download for Windows have a Trojan?.. :c


It doesn't, Windows Defender shows up for everything that it can't find it's author for 


Who can recommend a product that Chinese people can also use? Except for itch's website


A sweat shop down a few blocks? (This is a joke lol)

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