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Hello, I would like to ask a question and bring up some bugs that I found.  

My question is how to increase confidence, this is a mechanism that I didn't really understand, I even thought that if I didn't wear makeup and was complimented it would work (Another thing! When will there be a Brazilian Portuguese translation?). 

Now about the bugs, the first is that after drinking alcohol sometimes the mug symbol does not disappear from the screen, the second thing is when it was time to pay the bill, I had already paid in advance, but then the landlord came to charge me again on Sunday 

Well, that's all I had to say, thank you very much for your attention!!! :D

Your confidence will go up if you are consistently happy. 

I'm not sure if the change happens based on time just passing or if it only changes after you go to sleep but in my experience it seemed to change after sleeping. 

You can also get some temporary confidence from getting drunk.

It makes a lot of sense, usually when I play, Mika's (my character) happiness is at its peak in the morning, average in the afternoon and slightly sad in the evening or happy again if I stop to cheer her up

Do you have any tips for keeping her constantly happy? And another thing, I'm still trying to max out her intelligence and strength, but they always go down quickly after 60, any tips for this too?

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For happiness one way would be, when ever you shower, masturbate (I think you need 50 lust?). You should be able to do this as many times as you want if you pick the Former male origin because they always have enough lust assuming no other perks are effecting your lust.  You should also make sure to eat consistently as it can reduce happiness and you get a boost to you happiness when you eat.

For the Strength and Intelligence your Origin might be effecting one of, or both of these stats. For example the Bimbo origin has a Fitness Minimum of +20 meaning you can't go below that unless you have another perk effecting your Fitness Minimum, but it also has a Intelligence maximum of -60 and a intelligence multiplier of 0.2 meaning you can't go above 40 intelligence with out another perk effecting your Intelligence maximum, and any time you would gain intelligence it would be reduced to 20% of the original value.     Multiplier Example (5 x 0.2 = 1)

So I would recommend looking at the other Origins to see if you like a particular one.  A thing to know is if you pick the Former male origin in like two in game weeks your character can get one of the female origins depending on your actions like if you don't bother increasing you intelligence you'll get the Bimbo Origin.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the game isn't really about making a "perfect character." Your character is always going to have flaws which makes since considering the context of the game, you are literally expected to fail your first mission.

Thanks for the masturbation tip.

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How to remove "despondent" and "recovering"?, please help


time, confidence, and happiness. that or get the broken perk.


Same my game keeps on crashing on my android idk if it's just for android but shit the devs shouldn't really look up on this.


you just have a shity phone

ya probably I'm thinking of changing this shit anyways it was not doing this in my other phones so yah  it's probably this one.


Game keeps crashing on my android phone i dont know if its just my phone being crap but if its not id appreciate some help

version:03317 pc,

item top 41 and item bottom 33 not found.

I don't know how or if it's possible to add comments to the dev doc and have this bookmarked.

What can i do to clean the motel without panties?

You probably bought the whole maid outfit, you only need the dress to start the activity, if you have the panties she'll always use it 

Isn't there any way I can delete or take off my panties?

You could wear them during sex and hope that they get stolen. Should be possible.

You can try obtain commando perk not wearing underwear so you don't have to worry about not wearing underwear if working in maid outfit. Getting commando perk you have no underwear on you for 3 days.

Before i get it (my friend show me game and since he knows im a freaky girl said i should try it) can you use the cheat function on the android version? If so how?

There is a icon that looks like a lock in the top right corner and that's how you use the cheats in the android version

lol got it😈

Probably one of the few ren'py games i actually enjoyed playing. Its nice having options rather that just being lewd. Looking forward to see more progress!

how to complete find mira quest? pls help

I can't go on.

How do I do that event?

I use version

how can i get that version? isn't the lastest version is

tysm man

Deleted post

Can Chinese be added to the back of this game

I can't remember, but is it possible to get unnatural hair colour's. And if so, how?


You can get a hair dye from scavenging around.

(1 edit)

Man, I'm an idiot. Thanks for reminding me though, no way I would have remembered where or how to dye hair!

You're welcome, have fun!

What to do in Quest Alison?

Will this game come to Steam when it's finished?

it keeps crashing on my android, after 5 minutes or so, have to keep saving the game to not lose progress, is it my phone that bad (A32) ? I even try close everything to consume less memory. Any ideas?

Deleted 180 days ago

Don't know why, but my kaspersky antivirus (full version) shows no threats.

Deleted 180 days ago

how to get the strange pill


havent played in a while but you keep searching the beach at night until you find it. then you have to repeatedly try to take it until you finally convince yourself

I can't complete the casino quest.


Where is the glory hole?

You have to make them. Pretty much any place with male/female bathrooms next to each other you can make a hole from one side. You need duct tape and a chisel to start.


This might be the best game ive ever played from Itchio,together with Harem Hotel, pls keep up the great work

I encounter the "an exception has occured"  error while loading a save file. Choosing ignore leads me to a dead-end. Is there a way to solve this problem?

Is the menu theme song original to this game? If not, could you say the name?

What's the purpose of education stat?


It effects how a few of the quests can play out. 

For example the first mission where you have to go to the pub and get info from the private detective guy, if you are smart enough you can just threaten him for the info and it will end there or if you do one of the other options he can ask you for help to get evidence that the man he is watching is cheating on his wife if you are smart enough you can get both the info you need and money he offers you in advance and just leave.

It also can have an effect on different repeatable events like having sex with bar patrons when you ask them to do anal if you are smart enough you can convince them to this can be helpful if you don't want to risk getting pregnant.

If you don't already know you can increase your education by going to class (duh) and studying in the library on the second floor. 

So there are couple events with optional int check and speech checks depend on int. Doesn't look very useful tbh. I thought I'm missing something. Oh well, I guess I can't complain since game seems to be in permanent alpha

Yeah as of right now there's not a whole lot to it (as far as I'm aware), mostly just there as a little more flavor, but maybe Sam_Tail will elaborate on the mechanic later in development. 

Maybe something like "smarter" Sammys getting better prices for buying and selling items and "dumber" Sammys can do a "favor" for similar results so the intelligence state doesn't become OP.

How do i acces to the pink room? It give me no option to ask for the pink room.

You have to become a whore to unlock the pink room

To do that you have to have the whore/slut perk (not sure if whore perk is enough) and talk to someone in the truck stop area

Pretty sure having the gamine origin also allows you to start whoring.

.....And how to get whor/slut perk?

Basically accepting sexual favours for money enough times will grant you the perk

You have to accept a sexual favour for money once then it becomes easier your character to accept more sexual favours

Working in the bar is the easiest way to do this cuz you will be bombarded with requests for sexual acts

Another way is to do the Haven mission. There you meet and befriend Kitty. After the mission you can meet Kitty in the Truck stop area and after some convincing, she will show you the ropes.

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I have 2 things im stuck at the mission of the mechanic girl idk what to do next and why my bullies just died??I literally did nothing,one day they just look totally shit and then the next one they were dead and said I did it lol(by the way great game)

at a guess? maybe cheated yourself all items, which includes le poison beer. mechanic girl i think isn't complete yet.



i was wondering if you could add a dildo so the player can take her own virginity

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how long is the time between patreon releases and the public release ?

and if i update the game when its released well the save game get corrupted


how do you give birth or abort pregnancy I was like negative 300 and still nothing the hospital gives me no option either 

Literally there is a pill to abort and you have to wait a lot of days to give birth 

yeah I figured it out I'm just dumb

Hahahahaha,hey do you know how to advance in the mission of the mechanic girl?im literally stuck in that one


hi could you add an option to walk around and use the bus while nude if you have the exhibitionist perk for example


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How can I get addicted to cigarettes. I've already smoked over a hundred and nothing? There was a cigarette icon in one picture from the post and I thought about how to get it, but I couldn't. Sorry for my english.

Hello. I have a questions about bully events.

Don't know if it's only for me or not.

I'm playing on android, and in my opinion it's almost to easy for Sammy to avoid bullies. Except some verbal abuse, it's hard to encounter any violence or raping events. 

I'm not even sure, if I need help from the soccer  boys.

After some time of playing the game, they switch target to Cass,  and it'll take me to the second question.

How to help Cass.

I heard that becoming the target of bullying, can help her, but it's hard to keep them billing Sammy.

Either gift her posion or conversation soccer help her out i think not 100 % with soccer help cass or not never done on my play though

Yeah. I know that gifting Cass poison is not possible and talking with boys can help only when Sammy is targeted. 

I think the bullies become to soft for Sammy or to lazy to even try to bully. 

Remember playing version where their actions were more frequent and more violent. Somewhat I'm missing that part.

"What means to be a bully without even bullying." 

besides gifting the poison mix it with some beer and wait to get bullied by them and they will take the poisoned beer and just walk around school and wait for them they won't bully no more, hint look at their face, it will look different also keep an eye on your journal b/c it will tell if they are dead

Ok. To put it simply. 

I started game with male origin.

Attended school everyday, ocasionaly working in the pub for keeping rent paid and hanging out with the soccer boys. Sammy pretty fast got confidence to talk back to the bullies (I think around 30 is enough) and in no time they starts targeting Cass leaving no time to even think how to deal with them.

In My opinion they should be more agressive toward Sammy 

During my playtime (around two seasons), I've seen more scenes including Cass when Sammy only got some mean comments at the start of the game, not even been punched once for talk back. (Struggled more in order version).


if you try get target less 20 conference and mood need 40 or less so they target you 

Hello.  Today I've played again, starting from point where Cass was bullied, trying to help her. At least  encountered event where Sammy was raped at school by some random guy. Suffered trauma (mood: -50, confidence:17-18) I was walking around school the whole two days. Seen a lot of events including Cass, but Shane and Marcus never bullied Sammy again. After two days of trauma, confidence went up to 22. Dont know if origin has impact of the game but to that point, my male origin was long gone and selected gamine instead. If someone know, how to help Cass or turn the bullies against Sammy again, I'd be glad to know.

Bindings How do I use it?

i think relate pink room group sex aggressive not sure if it game yet

How do I use a Polaroid camera?

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Take photos soccer or beach volleyball game only place use camera atm when join the game

how can I work in a casino

not in game yet

the quest is in but the casino is not i ask on discord

don't pay your rent for a long time, on one of my save files i rack up almost 5k of miss due for rent, tell him you can't pay the rent however you don't want to be kicked out then you become his slave, and you can go to the casino

How can I complete haven quest?

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Did you read quest log on my personal diary? For hints on there

If i remember qest easedrop 10 anywere building when they are around last one try get in top of building talk main boss in haven you can choose 6 different ending i think someone correct if im wrong 

you can do the broken rout, try to break the water lines in heaven.

you can talk to the guard trying to go upstairs (talk to the nice guard) this even you will get a Perma tattoo of how many men you slept with.

there is the live at haven and collect data on the doctor intel your peeps come and save you note i have not done this rout so don't know how long it takes.

Another one is to set fire in a decently remote area. You will have to find the lighter in the Sleeping area and the accelerant in the Lounge for this.

Best to also get the crowbar from the Storage room to open the vent on the 3rd floor to hide in.


Good game and good story xD

It is, indeed.

it is normal that can absolutely always masturbate in the shower. it increases your mood by a lot of points and at the same time is not penalized in any way, takes little time. in this way can maintain confidence at a high level.

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