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So when can I get a dare to the soccer guys cause I have been playing with them a lot of times already and didn't manage to get any dares. I only got the shower and field scenes

Play with them at night after the school closes. If the option to play with them hasn't been unlocked yet, then chat to them more at night.

Is there anywhere to report bugs?

I ran into one where when taking the bet of letting all of the guys write on you only one mark appears instead of the (I'm guessing) intended 3.

Thanks, I will look into it.

Best place to report is on discord linked above. But you can post here or anywhere else if it's easier.

I just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying this game, and that I appreciate all the effort that you are putting into making it. I hope you are well, staying safe, and I wish you the best.

Thank you :) Glad you are having fun.

Hi, I was hoping that the initial choice of male origin or female origin would have a bigger role in the game, will this be the case in future updates?  If not, please make it one.

Thank you, 



Origin will play more of a role with the Emile intro events I have planned as well as some of the missions that are meant to take place between the Simon one and Haven. But at some point Samantha will become herself and it's role in the story will diminish.

Deleted post

Music is planned, I am just focusing on more "interesting" stuff for now.

Dares do build up. They are divided into 3 tiers and you need to have played 3 matches to get dares from a higher tier. It also depends on Sammy's sexual experience so if she is a virgin or inexperienced it will be harder to trigger the more serious dares. If she is very experienced on the other hand it will be easy to trigger them.

Deleted post

To trigger that as a virgin, I am assuming Sammy was swirly eyed drunk and floating hearts horny :D

Deleted post
(4 edits)

Love the game, I know there are a lot of things not yet implemented in the game but my questions are is the only line for when Sammy gets pregnant is a random pub patron that she sleeps with for a certain amount of money because one time got her pregnant at Haven by being extremely drunk and horny at a certain time where there a mostly guys around and, also it seems to take Sammy a long time to have a dangerous day  it took me a month and a season using pass the day cheat can there be a cheat for that determining her stages of when she gets her period. Also, possibly in the next update can you make the haven mission harder it took a surprisingly short time to complete unless using cheats like having the option of Sammy work under the highway with the girls. Please excuse the lack of grammar I'm not great at it.

It's possible for any sexual encounter to get Sammy pregnant, not just at the pub. Her cycle is 28 days and it's possible to get pregnant not just on dangerous days.

Haven is balanced assuming you don't use cheats. If you boosted your starts to maximum then it will be easy.

Highway stuff is planned and will hopefully be added soon.

Very good game, I like it. But I want to do the security checkpoint mission and the train station mission but don't know how do you access the missions?

Train Station not written yet, the only security checkpoint mission is to go through the files atm (a lead up to haven).

I would like to suggest some changes to the mall. Hovering over items should not show samantha only wearing the item, rather samantha should still wear her outfit while trying on. For example, sam is trying some t-shirts. She will still wear her underwear and pants. 

If that's not wanted, maybe make it a toogle. Even better would be a option to choose between different saved outfits. 

Thank you for creating this game and i will definitly follow your progress.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will have a look into it and see if it's easy enough to implement. 

(3 edits)

im kinda stuck can somebody help me im at the part where tucker will call me if i wait a few days but he wont i think it was day 12 or 14 when he said that and he still wont call even after 6 days idk if thats a bug or its just that long and campbell is telling me to go the train tracks idk what he meant and i have a mission for the old dude at the checkpoint (i forgor his name) to go to his office but when i try to go to his office theres no event idk maybe bug or was i supposed to do something first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh and uh i play android

Try looking at the quest log from the upper right menu. You can ask Tucker what he needs you to do again at anytime too.

he just tells me to wait

Try passing  a few daya from cheat menu if it doesnt work I dont know what you should do

will we ever meet the nice heaven gate guard again 


(1 edit)

lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Deleted 2 years ago

Its not a bug it goes down naturally you have to keep increasing it

It doesn't let you start a new game, if you press new game it closes.


What does the game use for its models?


Hello, I'm android user and I want to tell you that sometimes I can't open my journal or click another option even after restarting the game. Sorry for my bad english

just fyi, it says play in browser even though you have to download,you may want to change that

(1 edit) (+1)

Are there any sex scenes in the bar other than selling yourself in an alleyway or the bathroom

Is there a wiki or something for this game?

Not yet. I have been meaning to do one but am focusing on the game instead so haven't got round to it.

(1 edit)

How do I gain and lose confidence naturally? :<


Drinking, working out, sex and just by time passing will increase it. No way as of yet to grind it.

Deleted 2 years ago

Not sure where you are stuck. But your goal is to get to the top floor. Speak to the guard up there and try and sneak by. Or look for tools/items around Haven that could be used to distract him.

I like this game but it crashes  every 2 minutes  sometimes  I get lucky  and have 10 minutes   but really  hard to fully  enjoy  this game with that problem  and if it help I'm  on Android sorry is this seems  rude I don't  mean to be that way

Does it give you an error report? If so, can you post it here?

no it doesn't   just crashes  and doesn't  give me any messages  it  could just be my phone being dumb and not being able to  hold the app for long periods of time  but I have  it stay a bit longer but it still  crashes 


Can I suggest something..? If not, then it's fine.


Sure. Always open to suggestions. You can post it here or on discord. 

(1 edit)

Sorry for the delay... I was kind of busy...

Anyway... I was thinking of suggesting a Virginity button thing that makes you go virgin again, you know..? I don't know if many people have suggested about this but... here I go I guess.

Also, I have a few questions...

In the debug thingy, why is there the word 'person' next to the line saying "You have never had ses so must be a virgin." Does this confirm my suspicions of furries in da game???

Are furries approved in da game???

(edit) Is the main character named Sammy?

(2 edits)

I saw a mention of a landlord that comes collecting rent where is he, how do I meet him?

The landlord isn't in yet. He will hopefully be implemented soon.

(1 edit)

Quick question, can we get an undershirt option, these being tighter and shorter shirts like the elastic shirts, vest, and the like and overshirt option, as well will we have a longer version and like of current clothing options? A way of doing it is right-clicking on clothing to bring up a menu with the variations upon it? Also, more tight options in accessories slot in a later update would be a nice addition to the game. Aside from that great game, and hope you make these changes in an update later down the road. 


Possibly. I have been holding off doing underwear stuff for a bit since the bodies/breast options will change soon. Once I get that done I will look into the underwear options.

The game files have a folder 'translation' is it possible to translate the game into Russian?

Russian translation is in progress. But I don't know how long it will take.


Where is Dr Trucker i can't find him

In the hospital off Revel street.

Any interactions with sister now or in future?


Currently, outside of the plug sequence, no. In future though there is a lot planned with her.

hey want to how do i progress to the end of the 

game plz tell me  i want to know

sincerely  your fan     - wreck

Keep speaking to Dr Tucker. He usually has all the new missions for you.


I'm eagerly anticipating the next institution chapter.

I have concerns and hopes:

The final chapter so far has Haven and the prostitution dungeon escape sequence.  WOW that sequence was hot, but my big question now is how could it possibly get better than that?  As in are you concerned that you might have ramped things up too quickly, leaving the ending of that chapter on a radically different note than the last one?  Or is this the 'new trend of institution quests' and all previous institution sequences were just a prologue?  Or am I missing something drastic?  If you keep this chain of drastic life-altering changes up with each institution chapter, how many of these do you think you can make before she (he?) actually gets raped to death?  Because that exact thing was about to happen if not for effectively divine intervention.  Narratively, how much is left after that?  Would you ever consider rearranging the institution chapters if they felt out of hotness/extremeness order?  Obviously I'm not asking for future plot points; that would be spoilers, could be subject to change, and frankly unfair of me to receive.  Simply, are the institution chapters going to continue to be life-altering?  Are they going to somehow end up (at least) matching the lewdness and/or extremeness of the escape sequence?

On a related note, are most of the 'extreme' stuffs going to be solely tied to the institution?  That might be an effective way for someone less crazy as me to filter them out, but consequently would make the rest of the main city area less compelling to the extremists out there.

Finally, a wierd idea I had:

In a world, where consent is explicitly optional...

Public decency is explicitly optional...

Respect for women is explicitly optional...

Anyhoo, go forth and make more good things!  I'll keep careful tabs on this project!

The extreme stuff wont be exclusive to the institute, but all institute questlines will be pretty hard hitting. 

Btw, not sure if you are aware but there are multiple endings to the Haven quest, although you got the "worst" one.

And I am not afraid it cant be beaten. The ideas I have for the next major Haven sized mission will easily compete with the best (or worst) Haven has to offer. 

But things did ramp up a bit quickly. There was supposed to be a few missions beforehand as a sort of training for Sammy, but there wasn't a huge amount of lewdness involved. I felt that was an area the game was lacking so I skipped over the security training missions and jumped straight to Haven. Once the training missions are in, there will be some foreshadowing so things don't feel so abrupt.

How does the screenshot of getting fucked in the middle of the soccer field happen

It's a rare event when you beat one of the soccer boys in a dare match while looking sexy.

WHYY!!!! Almost every game I downloaded cannot be played! When I first download this game and extract the file into a new folder and I see that there is two Application file named The Fixer dan The Fixer-32 I instantly knew that I can't play this game. It always says "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling this program to fix this problem" and even if I do reinstall it, it doesn't matter! Plz help..!!

update or install Visual Studio С++ 2015 

"there is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked" учим русские поговорки 

Where can I download that? Can u send me a link?

Only download it from Microsoft, nowhere else


Religion forbids using the search string? ٩(◕‿◕。)

ну тупые... (с) Задорнов М.Н. 

(SORRY BAD ENGLISH)Can i get a guide ? i havent been able to star anny H-Scene

there's a sort of mixture of stats that make it easier, though I believe you can bypass a fair amount by getting drunk first (just don't overdo it). First easiest scene you can get every time is with the reporter, let him approach you, be honest, and just let the scene play out. from then, work at the bar, eventually the school will open up as well though it takes a while to unlock regular soccer scenes, dance is unfinished, and school sex propositions are inconsistent. Haven has a few scenes, mostly rape, and can get you the broken trait which is mildly disturbing (well written) and makes sex easier to obtain, slut perk i've only been able to get with cheating.

slut perk? you can get it without cheats if you do the bar quest and letting simon fuck you. from there attend school and constantly play with the soccer boys till you get to the after school 21:00-02:00 scenes. Once there, you then proceed to "hang out" until you get the option to fool around with them(you acquire a heart button when you approach them after hours) continue to have sex with them. It doesn't charge them money so it doesn't count as prostitution, also, it's completely consensual and not rape. continue this and you get the perk without cheats.

the objective to get the perk is to avoid the other 3 routes - pure(virgin), prostitution(whore), and rape(broken).

Is there a way to know when you have any of the perks?


When are you going to upload the game for browser. PS. sorry if it sounds like i'm being rude or inpatient


Browser version is done, the issue is itch limitations. I am trying to get it resolved but itch support takes 3 weeks to respond and then it's just a bot reply which doesn't help my issue.

Oh, Okay. PS. bot replies suck

Do you think you can let me know when you release a browser version?

İs the update with the soccer boys active? or is it still in development. if its active how do you activate it?

it is active, you have to hang out around the field a lot after school to talk with them, eventually they invite you out back, continue interacting with them there day after day and eventually you can start playing dares and the like, and eventually just offer yourself for sex once it's night time. takes a while though.


interesting update to the pictures - change to the files that i don't see, or just showing the breadth of customization. which I like. 


No game update with the changes. Was just updating the images as the ones there before was from the first release a year ago. Also new banner.

So the police chief asked for help for a mission by the train station, but I'm not able to find the station it's not on the map at all 

Is it because mission isn't in the game yet or I'm not finding it?

This mission is not in game yet. I hope to add it in soon.

(1 edit)

Really liking the game, just started, but question:

Is there supposed to be music and sounds in the game? If so, it does not appear to be working for me...

No music in the game yet.

will we see the roommates at all? also will there be more content to do with the male start? i feel like they accept becoming female way to quick.

over all great game really looking forward to what comes next.

Roommates will be added hopefully soon. The male (and female) start will be expanded on a lot more with the post prologue Emile content I have planned.

awesome really looking forward to it! keep up the great work!

Hiya! If i install the new update do i have to start over again?

No need for a new game, old saves are compatible with the new version.

hey I rum into a bug in the heaven area.. when thrown into the cell every action trigged the same bug. (Basically it seems to be related to a check for time.

„Heaven ending.. something something“ line 317:

„If not time.r….“

Thanks, I will have a look into it. Been a while since I touched that area and not had any issues reported so seems a bit unusual.

I reload a earlier save and it was fine.. 

Awsome! Possibly HtmL will be back up again, just wondering I don't know anything about programing  but would it help the HtmL in the browser if you changed the engine to something else (maybe Unity, unless your using already.) Love the game and the story, even if you don't revive the HtmL.

The issue isn't the engine but itch limitations. The html version would run fine if I were to host it myself or have the limitations removed.

Thanks for letting me know, I hope you have a good day. 

And by the way keep up the good work, this is more of a suggestion though, so it's not required (never was), but  have a good day, nothing is going to get in your way for having a good day. Just make time for yourself and all will be good. 

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