Post Streetwaker update plans

With the Streetwalker update now out the door, it is a good time to talk about my future plans.

Since streetwalking took a lot longer than I had anticipated, I want to do a few focused mini updates before moving onto another larger update. So a while ago I did a poll to gauge interest in various parts of the game and, through that, I have decided that the following updates will be as you see below. Starting with exhibitionism and working downwards. Although before any of that, I will no doubt have bugs and issues to fix first.

Each part except the main story is planned to take 4-6 weeks, but I will be flexible with that time frame in case something is particularly interesting.

Files 221 MB
49 days ago 187 MB
49 days ago
TheFixer- 230 MB
49 days ago

Get The Fixer (NSFW)


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Ooooh, excellent. I just peeked back in after a while since my last playthrough, excited for all of that but especially the exhibitionist update~

I like the game

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I'm enjoying the game so far, I'm really looking forward to the updates! As much as I would love to make my own choices for every little thing, I feel like it would take from the game and how the perks impact gameplay.  I'm just hoping for more perks and maybe even some that are combination, like if you become a CP lover and Slut it becomes like an AMPED Whore perk, to avoid clutter or conflict i guess. Overall in NSFW aspect the scenes and story are exciting, so are the events! Just some bugs i keep getting is like the cycle images at some point distort and essentially break. It does fix itself but it makes for an awkward site when playing. But, other than that I enjoy it. Cant wait to see the stories progress and keep up the good work! ( More of a review than a comment but hey just noting it XD)

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Still don't like auto choices of main protagonist in the game. I wanna make my own choices in any choices but stats make choices for me :(

PS Just for example I wanna be exhbitionist virgin or virgin slut but MC make own choices and broke my roleplay.


Keep on your own pace my guy, dont stress yourself out from coding the game, we will wait! And the future update sounds promising!

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All these futur updates seems very nice !!! I'm just a little disappointed about the non-updates of the side-story between Sam and Jaylee... 


Been awhile, sam.

Hope your doing well!